Next up is Pauline O’Hara for our runner/climber profiles .

I’m originally from Coleraine, did a PE degree at Jordanstown and have lived and worked in the Newcastle area as an outdoor instructor for over 30 years. I took early retirement a couple of years ago and started a small tour guide business introducing people to the history and beauty of the Mourne area. I first joined BARF in 1993.
1. How did you get into this sport? I got into fell running as an extension of my hillwalking, climbing and orienteering exploits and as I was working with the original inventors of the Hill and Dale series it was easy to get started.
2. Favourite local race ? Favourite local race is Lurig. The climb and descent is so different from most races, lots of fun and the support of the locals is fantastic.
3. Favourite mountain ? Mera.
4. Favourite moment in running? Finishing 1st lady and 13th overall at Loughshannagh Horseshoe in 2007.
Favourite moment in climbing ? Soloing White Walls for the first time.
5. What’s your diet like ? Diet is great. Love savoury. Don’t have a sweet tooth.
6. Funniest moment in running? Finishing 1st lady and 13th overall at Loughshannagh Horseshoe in 2007.
Funniest moment in climbing? Getting stuck on a crag on Hen Mountain with Vince.
7. Other activities ? Hillwalking, camping,mountain biking.
8. What race or mountain would you like to complete in the future ? Would love to do the Everest Marathon and climb Aonach Eagach
9. How did you end up at BARF ? I Joined BARF after my very first Hill and Dale race when I was accosted by Mark Pruzina in the pub…..they weren’t so fussy then!
10. Favourite music or album ? Kathy Mattea. Ready for the Storm.