Some of our athletes have been out and about racing throughout Northern Ireland this last few weeks . Phil Ward has notched up another 3 marathons in as many weeks racing with the East Antrim Marathon series and Run Armagh as he adds to his impressive marathon tally .
Peter Thompson battling the dreaded lurgy had to drop from Ultra distance to half marathon at the 26Extreme Tollymore event but still managed a superb 8th place .

Kathleen ,Ian , Denise and Pauline at the Running4Rescue last Saturday
Last weekend saw the annual Running4Rescue taking place in support of our friends at Mourne Mountain Rescue and our athletes again turned out to support their cause .
Jim Brown finished with an impressive 6th place overall , he was joined on the day by Paddy Mallon , Peter Mc Clenaghan ,Kathleen Monteverde,Denise O’Hagan , Ian Mc Cullough and Pauline O’Hara . Well done to all Arf ! Arf !